Module JSX

JSX module

The JSX module provides a set of functions and types to create and render HTML elements in a declarative manner, similar to JSX in JavaScript/React.

let html: string = JSX.render (
    <h1> {JSX.string("Hello, World!")} </h1>
type attribute = string * [ `Bool of bool | `Int of int | `Float of float | `String of string ]

Represents an attribute of an HTML element. It consists of a name and a value which can be of several types.

This is used by the ppx to create the attributes of the HTML element, and rarely used directly.

type element

The type that represents a JSX.element

val render : element -> string

Render a JSX.element to a string.

This function takes a JSX.element and converts it into its corresponding HTML string representation.

let html: string = JSX.render (
    <h1> {JSX.string("Hello, World!")} </h1>
val float : float -> element

Helper to render a float.

This function helps in rendering a float value as a JSX element.

let element : JSX.element = JSX.float 3.14
val fragment : element list -> element
  • deprecated Use JSX.list instead
val int : int -> element

Helper to render an integer.

This function helps in rendering an integer value as a JSX element.

let element : JSX.element = 42
val list : element list -> element

Helper to render a list of elements.

This function takes a list of JSX elements and returns a single JSX element that contains all of them. This is useful for rendering dynamic lists of elements.

let element : JSX.element =
    [ JSX.string "Item 1"; JSX.string "Item 2"; JSX.string "Item 3" ]
val node : string -> attribute list -> element list -> element

The function to create an HTML DOM Node.

It takes a tag name, a list of attributes, and a list of child elements to create an HTML node.

let link : JSX.element =
    ( "a",
      [ ("href", `String "") ],
      [ JSX.string "OCaml" ] )
val null : element

Helper to represent nullability in JSX.

This is useful to represent and pattern match against null or empty elements.

let element : JSX.element = JSX.null
val string : string -> element

Helper to represent an element as a string.

This function allows you to directly render a string as a JSX element.

let element : JSX.element = JSX.string "Hello, World!"
val text : string -> element

A deprecated function to render a text string.

This function is deprecated in favor of JSX.string.

let element : JSX.element = JSX.text "Hello, World!"
  • deprecated Use JSX.string instead
val unsafe : string -> element

Helper to bypass HTML encoding and treat output as unsafe. This can lead to HTML escaping problems, XSS injections, and other security concerns. Use with caution.

A common use case for bypassing the HTML encoding is to render a script o style tag.

let content: string = "Raw HTML" in
let script: JSX.element = <script> content </script>
module Debug : sig ... end
module Html : module type of Html

Used internally, no need to use