
Render boxes in the terminal with OCaml or Reason. Port of sindresorhus/boxen

│                                                     │
│   "Render those kinds of boxes in the terminal"     │
│                                                     │

render text creates a box around your text to print it to the terminal. The text can be aligned to any position and the box can float to any position. Can control the space between the box and the outside with padding Padding.t or the space inside with margin Margin.t. Lastly, can configure the border to be one of the Border.t kinds.

Check the Box page for more details


utop # print_endline (Box.render ~padding:(Padding.all 2) "I love unicorns");;

│                     │
│   I love unicorns   │
│                     │
utop # print_endline (Box.render ~padding:(Padding.all 0) "I love unicorns");;

│ I love unicorns  │
utop # print_endline (Box.render ~border:Border.Classic "I love unicorns")

|  I love unicorns  |